Falling into fall

Things in my life suck lately However it is fall, and I love fall. So while things don’t seem to be going well, the background is getting better. Sent from my iPod


Almost any problem can be made more manageable if not cured by large amounts of tea. Sent from my iPod


Today I was give a three inch pile of papers that my boss wants me to correct. How she expects me to make corrections to what my crew of inmates,hour by hour a month ago. I have little to no idea what I was doing at 10 to 11 o’clock on a work day a…

One of my lest favorite alarms

My roommate has decided that the best way to usher in the day is to stand in the back yard and throw knives at a target The solid thunk thunk noise is quite a bit more annoying then any noise that might be on the back yard, the noise made by perfectly balanced knives hitting…

Winco is often an adventure

Yesterday I was walking around winco, noticing how almost everything that could possibility have the words pumpkin and spice added to them, were for sale. When. I found not one but two different types of candy corn, I gave up. Shaking my head. And shopping on.

Many of my efforts this week have been in vain.

It seems much of what I have set my mind to this week has been in vain. From my work to my living situation . But its friday and I am laying on my temper perfect bed. It sounds like rain in my back yard, and the lonely hour cd is playing on my ipod….

Mail …

The idea that the huge state agency that I work for would send me a written request to ask me if I am interested in applying for the job that I currently have makes me happy in a small way. Now that the only person who I talked to on a daily basis my job…

The idea that my roommate might be color blind has come up.

Today i woke up to the sounds from what i thought must have been the sort of fight that happens in a hong kong action movie,but turned out on futher examination to be the sounds of my crazy roommate installing new towels, and rugs in a truly appalling color. I saw installing because the amount…