The worst part.

The worst part of not feeling well , is if you sleep all day by the time you feel a little better You are most likely going to be up all night. Not sleeping. Even if you feel betterish. Oh well… Sleep now work tommorpw

Stalker food…

Don’t get me wrong I like that there is something on the label, but when did it become cool to put creepy sayings ? Do I really need to know the green sauce wants me ? Or that the volcano hot Sauce thinks I Have this covered?

Not happy

My new phone seems to be lacking whatever it is that makes the little click sound when you press in the SIM card. I can press on it all day but it does not seem to click, after pal ring it in the pocket of my bag, it seems to no longer want to work….

Bad Digital Karma

 This whole week I feel like I have been suffering from bad digital karma.  I got the clever idea that selling my old virgin mobile phones would pay for a new phone for me without the cost of buying a new one.  So each time I sell a phone on Amazon I get a…

Peets  seems like Irish to me

Not being able to find irish cream I decided that peests would be the perfect way to check my new camera on my phone out. And because I am smarter than the average mikey.I got decaf. All the flavor and not staying up all night wondering why I can’t, win


There are times when working at the prison can  get to be downright surreal. Yesterday day I inadvertently caused three of my workers to stage a mini revolt. Most of the time my workers just do whatever I say, it’s part of the prison experience. They are used to accepting orders and just following them….