13 Comments Add yours

  1. slartyblog says:

    It is. I’ve grown quite comfortable with the abyss tho. That’s part of the definition of a magickian, or occultist.

    1. somekindaodd says:

      How does this comment have anything to do with my post?

      1. slartyblog says:

        It relates to ur comment that my mind must be a very strange place.

      2. somekindaodd says:

        Oh that’s just silly. The abyss, wow pretentious much ? That comment was so bad even hipsters would not wear it on a shirt .

  2. slartyblog says:

    As for typing on my phone for a blog entry, it really is that I would be heartbroken if I ended up having to retype an entire entry due to some random glitches. As to the only post I ever critcized of yours, I stand by my criticism. I recall commas instead of periods and visa versa, to the point where I almost didn’t understand it, which strays from your usual high quality. I have no real reason to expect others to find good in my lower quality posts. Certainly mwr wouldn’t. The only posts of mwr I criticized are 1s I literally can’t understand.

    Best reply I got.

    1. Missblackman says:

      Tad, I live with a bigger grammar Nazi than myself who double checked that post, and also found no errors. He also found my post to be perfectly understandable. So I also stand by my orginal statement that there were no punctuation errors. And I think you are again missing the point that you didn’t ever bother commenting on the topic, which was a sensitive one that took a lot out of me to write, both in time and mental energy. Neither Bob or I consider it to be of “low quality.” But you are certainly entitled to your incorrect and rather insensitive opinion.

      1. slartyblog says:

        I’m going to let it stand right there. I didn’t mean to hurt you.

    2. BobbyBlues says:

      Ok, this time I’m calling bullshit. I’m typing this on my phone, as I do EVERYTHING. Actually, technically, I’m “swyping” it, as it’s usually faster. So, no, good writing on a smart phone is actually easier and faster.

      1. BobbyBlues says:

        And as for the mom blog in question, I read it three times, literally forward and backward (basic proofreading, taught in any decent writing class), and found no errors. I just went back and did it AGAIN. Same result. If you couldn’t comprehend it the blog is not to blame.

  3. slartyblog says:

    Bob, your comment was short. Journal entry 48 was 44 pages long, and as I said, my phone is prone to random ass glitches. I shit u not.

    1. BobbyBlues says:

      “Got up, made some calls, went to the store. Turned in cans, got smokes. Went home. The end.” Thks does not need forty-four pages. Any editor would say that concise, brief passages are much preferable in journal entries. I’m assuming you haven’t had the benefit of higher education, as you show much raw talent, but little to no editorial discipline. You also tend toward the laziness that Lisa called you on when posting even short sentences, by using “u r” in place of “you are,” etc. Glitchy or not, if you want to be taken seriously, take the time to use real words. Nobody in this conversation is a schoolgirl, and I detest “textspeak” on general principle. It is, in the age of smart phones, an anachronism. I do see a lot of Trump supporters use it, but we all know the intellect level of those people, so that’s excusable.

      1. slartyblog says:

        I’m going to let that comment just stand.

  4. somekindaodd says:

    Okay but it’s standing in the counter wear a shirt which it thinks is ironic, however in truth just makes it look like a dick. Talking to itself, on account, of nobody likes a critic.

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