Making a statement

Can’t help but think someone is making a statement here. Not sure what that statement is something about gender equality in the area of sents that smell strongly of desperation, and illusion?


Having grown fairly used to my Roomate’s leaving the stove covered in goo. I was none the less really unhappy to be a teaching like a little girl and jumping at the sight of a huge spider on the stove. After cleaning up the now scrambled raw eggs from the floor, I realized that the…

Catch up

Having falling prey to the siren song of melty cheese over freshly grilled beef for lunch, I thought it best to try and eat better for dinner. Using the leftover chicken and some beans and brown rice I made a sort of burrito salad. No cheese and no tortilla seems like a good mea cuppa.

Fat camping part due

Fat camp class was intresting last night. It seems I am doing a lot right, and quite a few things wrong. Seems like I have some diet planning to do. Oh and my backyard is still full of leaves.

Getting one over.

Yesterday I picked up some minor shopping. Ever since California made the new bags cost money law, Walmart like all major retailers now charge for bags. I saw the umberella bag and started laughing like a loon, as I packed my stuff in the bag. I mean if they are going to have free umbrella…

Searching high and low.

Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues In the middle of the pouring rain W.C. Handy, won’t you look down over me Yeah, I got a first class ticket But I’m as blue as a boy can be Marc Cohen Walking around my neighborhood was not exactly encouraging today, after the ran all…

This is what happens ..

This is what happens at Walmart when the massive hand towel roll is out. It made me wonder if it was a Black Friday thing, or if it did not ship or was broke or what. I found it mildly funny, either way.

Hung up on a Hang out

Thought Davis might be a cool place to get some exercise today. Maybe a cool place to walk around a bit and then do some photo organizing. The walking around park went okay, however Temple was completely packed. I guess a coffee shop that is artsy and open until 11 pm, sounded good to other…