
Watching the bird steal a fry was cool. I thought briefly about how cool it would be to have a giant bird as a pet. We could go on adventures and stuff, not the lest of which could be pirate related. That was until I noticed the bird shit stains, burned into his shirt. Somehow…

It sure does look like..

It really does seem like it is Christmas, when you see   Santa rush into the local coffee shop and get in line for the restroom. James just missed him , but some dad was taking his little kid to the bathroom. And the look on his face was priceless. When he was done the kid ran…

Its official

Yesterday I found myself singing along to the wham song, last Christmas. And later I found myself at a holiday party. Its official. I am feeling festive..

The rain on the Starbucks table was something.

Not sure it helped with my moving day however,it was interesting to see how the rain collected on the surface of the table. I need to box everything I own into easy to lift packages, which has not exactly something I am either good at .or like doing.

4 December, 2014 05:28

The idea of doing homework From my job is not a happy one. The idea of doing it while listening to the staff of the local Starbucks sing along to Frozen. Clearly some kind of torture, akin to water boarding but with more holiday paper.

Money well spent

The bank charged me 2 00 for temp Che ks.that means the rent I paid for Dec, is on record. Which will make it harder for him to kick me out. However he would like me to pay pg&e which he says is 40 bucks. Without having seen a bill for more than a year,…

Rainy daze

Coming home to find a large chunk of wood proped up on a seldom used weight bench sprouting enough duct taped kitchen knives to be either a post modern art display or the sort of thing they find in the serial killers home in the true crime movie, is nothing new. Often tony does this…