Random stuff

Yesterday on my way out of work I chatted with a random stranger. He laughed at my jokes and told me to apply for a different job, one I have thought about before but never seem posted. Looking up the job the posted date was the 26. And he said I should do it tonight….

Warriors Win

Not being much of a sports guy , I have to admit I do pay attention to when the Golden State Warriors are playing. Each time they win Chevys gives out free nachos. I feel like I have met my chip quota for the month today.

Not much to say..

It’s been a while since Tad made his ridiculous audio letter to me, most of what he had to say was just a little on the crazy side. Much of what Tad has said in the few responses that he did make, Left me speechless. All of his responses from the crazy to the more…

Omni guard

I tend to notice the names of things. So the idea that this thing will protect you from everything is funny to me . Don’t get me wrong it seems to be doing a good job protecting the bathroom from smelling badly, and good job and all. However it seems like it would do a…

Stormy skies

Went with V to Costco, and country market. The sky looked like it would be ready to start a down pour at any second. Not much happening aside from the shopping and the cleaning today.

Made It this Far…

Woke up to Supertramp doing goodbye stranger. I am eight hours away from the weekend and two days off of work, not a bad way to start my countdown.

Not quite what I was going for

My attempt at a spinach omelette for Work did not go exactly as planned. In typical me fashion my omelette was just a little to stuffed with this nice English cheese, spinach, ham sliced thin, and mushrooms and onions. It was a lovely omelette, however it do not fit into the little Tupperware I had…