Bad Guy Mask

Today marks day 23 or so of the 15 day modified program. Today also marks the start of the new kn95 is allowed program. So now we are allowed to wear these super villain inspired masks for our protection, and no doubt to allow us to start living our origin story. Now I guess I…

Cold Play

For the first time in a while my windshield was frosted over this mourning on my way to work. Which also explained my waking up being freaking cold…after having kicked off some of my blankets.

Yesterday food

My omelet was made great by adding dried peppers, and parm from my last pizza adventure.

Good old days.

Back when we were going to flatten the curve for a short time, every Inmate and any free staff who wanted was given a couple of these masks. Triple layer twill fabric made of the same stuff as transport jump suits, and electric ear bands make the N-95s seem like putting your face up to…

Life Hack

Today’s life Hack When you notice that Starbucks has messed up your drink, Always take the drink into your hand before pointing it out. Because of Covid-19 the old process of dumping your to small drink into a larger cup and adding more coffee does not fly. Since they can’t allow the drink to be…

Lost track of the days.

Not sure what day of wearing N-95 masks it is, the plan was for the whole place to do it for 15 days. So it should be getting about close soon. Can’t say I have enjoyed it much, seeing as all the inmate labor has been in quarantine lately, doing stuff and wearing the mask…

Dance Hall Daze

Mr favorite local Chinese food place looks more like a disused dance club since Covid shut down dine in places than a restaurant. Getting food tonight seemed like a good idea after day one of fifteen days of N-95 mask wearing at work. Not all problems can be solved by spicy Chinese food, lucky for…

New Years stuff

I would love to say that I was inspired by the new year to cook food for myself, and not depend on anyone wearing a drive Thu headset. But the truth is more likely that it’s freezing outside, and last night my neighbors decided to play ‘real life’ battle zone 2022 so I did not…