After Work delight

My birthday email from Chevys expires on sep 30th. So today was a great day to have a cool meal after work. The day was long and rather hard, but it is a Friday, and a pay day. Now it is free food day as well. It was quite good.

Maybe it’s me..

My work is starting to be a daily thing, where everyone seems to want to poke at me and complain about me. I am starting to think it might be me. It’s starting to feel like maybe I am too blame. More in this later.

Yesterday’s plans

Yesterday’s plan consisted of taking my camera with me when I left the house for work, as well as leaving early. Both worked out well. Having a few minutes to shoot the windmill in the cool mourning air was enjoyable. I can see how it might be a problem however, as being late could very…

Wow that was a short night.

Last night I slept very deeply. My dreams were very odd. But today is a new day, so it’s off to work. I wonder if the sunrise will be cool?

To tired for much tonight

To tired tonight to do much work. Laundry was about all I had energy for. But at the last minute I thought a simple spicy stir fry might be exactly what I need. A thinly sliced zucchini , garlic and hadrassa peppers.Oyster sauce along with some lite sodium soy rounderd out the made from scratch…

Visit with my mom.

My mom was funny today. The best line of the day was, my mom told me that there’s a pumpkin patch opening near her and that it has a petting zoo. Without missing a beat I Asked her Who would want to pet a pumpkin? It took a bit but when she finally got it,…

Late night shopping

Because black snacks matter. For a long time there been a racial divide in the snack cake word. Why is the white cake angel food cake? Why is the darker chocolate cake called Devils food cake? This is the start of snack cake equality. Just saying. 9 out of 10 college professors of nutrition science…