Cordless,clueless, and no longer caring…

Recently Tad made an audio comment on my reponce to his many audios from a month or two ago. One of the most surprising, was the story he told of the free backpack i sent him of food . He told me with some ire, that my spending thirty dollars on simple food for him,…

Never sure ..

The of the things about shopping at Walmart, is i can never really tell if someone is being clever with randomly placing stuff where it does not go . Or If it is just people being lazy. this one is a particularly hard because it could go one of two ways equally. Way one is…

High voltage

I am starting to think I have captured the most interesting shot of the hawk I am going to get. He does not seem to want to repeat his screeching at me again. So maybe I have got all I am going to get?


My attempts at an omelet tonight for dinner was less than stellar. However it was low carb, with tons of veggies, on a bed of spinach. So all is well that ends well.

The long way home…

Much like the super tramp song , I decided to take the long way home from work tonight. There were a few things along the way that were fun. There was even a fox, but the fox got away before I could get a shot.

Flower Power….

On my way to my moms house today I stoped in a field. It was worth the time I spent. It was a welcome riot of color.

My first Curry was almost lethal.

Curry to hot to even look at, my attempt at a translation was somewhere around 12 times more curry then it should have. Adding chicken and peanut butter and coconut milk, and some spices was a much safer start. Once the milk thickened a little bit I blended in some more peanut butter. My first…

Early day off…

With the smell of fresh brewed coffee wafting around my car, and the sounds of my rosette heavy playlist, I decided to go looking for what this whole being up early and greeting the day thing was about. I found myself playing the bird version of “Where’s Waldo” Waldo being the name I came up…