Simple Plan

Waking up at 530 again today , I went back to sleep instead of going to work as I had expected to be doing. My plan was a simple one. Go to the doctors office and get my work note and then go to fat camp . My doctor did not have my note, instead…

Fat Camp 2.0

Going Kaiser Healthy Weight class was intresting. Some of the same people from last class were back again. Much like the last class it seemed like half the questions were answered by people who did not understand the original question. Many of the people seemed more argumentative, as well. When I asked if we could…

Walmart safari

I laugh when I read on someone’s Facebook page that one of there likes is “Walmart”. It makes me wonder what the person is saying. Do they actually like being in Walmart? Is it that there is a place to shop ? What actually is the appeal. For me I like having a place to…

Lunch Time

Sitting outside on the patio in the sun for lunch was a great idea. Not sure if my mood was improved by my clever use of mustard and honey on chicken. Or if it was my coffee.maybe it was my roxette play list on my iPod. Sitting under the sun dappled shadows formed by the…

Eggs Benedict Arnold

Waking up today at the new time for going to work, I was faced with a choice . Either get up and do stuff or hide in my bed. Quite a bit later the call of breakfast could no longer be ignored. Starting to work on my prep I noticed a few strands of black…

Going to prison blues

I thought that pain and truth were things that really mattered But you can’t stay here with every single hope you had shattered I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desert But I can live and breathe And see the sun in wintertime Big Country It says something about my life that my not…

Prime Time Drive Time

Waking up early go to work for the first time in months, was a very strange. I spent the whole ride to work second guessing the secession to go back to work, and really not being happy about the prospects. Something about the idea of getting up before noon for the first time in months…

Late naive breakfast

One of the first things I learned how to cook was a fried egg sandwich. A friend of mine came by and said he was hungry , so we talked and I made him a fried egg sandwich. The first attempt was a very sad affair . Runny yolks , burned bread and melted plyomar…

Green tea

Last night V called me and asked if she could stop by since she works an overnight shift with a client less than a block away from my house. It was a fun hang out we drank tea. While one or more of my roomates came down to the kitchen to check out the noise….